Parkinson’s Centre

The Parkinson’s Centre (ParkC) at Curtin’s Neuroscience Laboratory brings together not-for-profit community groups and academic staff from multiple disciplines and institutions (both locally and internationally) that have a dedicated interest in Parkinson’s and expertise in health and ageing research. In particular ParkC works closely with Parkinsons Western Australia.
We believe that this cohesive and holistic approach will result in the best outcome for people with Parkinson’s. Our aspiration is for ParkC research to contribute towards the discovery of a cure for Parkinson’s and to significantly contribute to the wellbeing and health of people with Parkinson’s.
Our research
The variety of symptoms associated with Parkinson’s highlights the heterogeneous nature of this condition. We believe that Parkinson’s may consist of a group of related disorders which have overlapping symptoms but which can be segregated into distinct subtypes. Determining these subtypes and identifying the subsequent symptom progression will have major implications in diagnosis and subsequent treatment of people with Parkinson’s.